
Credits: Image adapted from http://playmoolah.com/blog/
Co-founder Min Xuan Lee on why Playmoolah was started:
“PlayMoolah was started in response to the global financial crisis a few years back. We noticed that in spite of the financial turmoil surrounding us, most people were still unaware of the personal finance issues affecting them. We soon realised that these problems originated from families that were struggling to develop this core life skill. That’s when we started Playmoolah to address this critical need.”
I'm really impressed with the passion that the founders have to make an impact in young people's lives in terms of money management. I'm glad that there are more and more people out there doing a part to improve financial literacy in the world. PlayMoolah is a social enterprise in Singapore. The founders' were recently honoured as young women innovators at the 2013 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women and the Economy Forum(WEF) held on 6-8 September 2013 inBali, Indonesia.
So if you have young children at home, why not teach them financial literacy with PlayMoolah. You can try it free at their website here: http://www.playmoolah.com/. Check it out and have fun with your kids.
P.S: PlayMoolah is starting another segment called WhyMoolah which is targeted at young adults. I'm looking forward to this when it is launched. In the meantime, you can check out their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/whymoolah
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